
Equipment basis
Within the Center of Joint Use of the Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center SB RAS, at the Institute of Physics the equipment complex for vibrational spectroscopy of condensed solids has been created and currently is being successfully used. The complex comprises: a) the Fourier – Raman spectrometer (Bruker) with excitation in the infrared spectral region, the spectrometer of infrared absorption and the developed at the Institute spectrometer of Raman scattering in low-frequency region of the vibrational spectrum in the temperature interval 100…800K; b) the complex of nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers Bruker Biospin providing NMR study of liquids and solids by the latest techniques in a wide temperature range; c) X-ray powder diffractometer D8 Advance for structural investigations of powders, films, ceramics and glasses in the temperature region -190…450oC.
Specialists of the Institute have developed a number of unique devices and installations, currently used for carrying out research, including the following most notable ones.