Институт Физики им.Л.В.Киренского

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Laboratory of Crystallophysics

In 1958 the research team of Crystallophysics (since 1959 the Laboratory of Crystallophysics) was organized and headed by Candidate of Phys. and Math. Sciences Kirill Aleksandrov (since 1967 Doctor of Phys. and Math. Sciences; since 1972 Corresponding Member of Academy of Sciences of the USSR; since 1984 Full Member of AS USSR/RAS; since 2004 Councilor of RAS). Since 2003 the laboratory has been headed by Doctor of Phys. and Math. Sciences Igor Flerov.

The primary research activity of the Laboratory, connected with the complex study of structure, physical properties and phase transition mechanisms in ferroelectrics, was marked with the State Prize of the USSR (1989). The works in the field of crystallochemical, crystallographic and theoretic-and-group analysis promoting the prediction of new structures of perovskite-like compounds, were awarded with the E.S.Fedorov Premium of the Russian Academy of Sciences (1997).

The theory of structural phase transitions is being developed by the Laboratory researchers in the framework of phenomenological approach and on the basis of the first principle calculations. The totality of systematic experimental and theoretical studies of extensive crystal sets belonging to different families has contributed to the development of the model conceptions of mechanisms of structural distortions caused by phase transitions. Considerable practical interest to the research, undertaken by the Laboratory on such actual interdisciplinary directions as solid state physics and chemistry and science of materials, is associated with the determination of relations between chemical composition, structure and properties that facilitate the search of efficient ways of creation of materials promising for application.

The current Laboratory staff consists of 15 researches including 1 Full Member of Russian Academy of Sciences, 4 Doctors of Sciences and 8 Candidates of Sciences. On the basis of a few laboratories and the Krasnoyarsk State University, the Scientific School has been working that is recognized by Russian and foreign scientists and is sponsored by the government of the Russian Federation.

The most significant scientific results have been reported in the following publications:

  1. Aleksandrov K.S., Beznosikov B.V. Perovskites. Present and Future. – 2004 – Novosibirsk, SB RAS – 231 p.
  2. Maksimov E.G., Zinenko V.I., Zamkova N.G. Calculation of physical properties of ionic crystals from the first principals. UFN, 174, pp.1145-1170, 2004.
  3. Flerov I. N., Gorev M. V., Aleksandrov K. S., Tressaud A., Grannec J., Couzi M. Phase Transitions in Elpasolites, Mater. Sci. & Eng. R 24, p. 81-151, 1998.


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Institute of Physics
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