Институт Физики им.Л.В.Киренского

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Laboratory of Radiophysics of Remote Sensing

The establishment of the Laboratory of Radiophysics of Remote Sensing in 2004 was initiated by Dr. Valery Mironov. The Laboratory staff was mainly formed out of the researchers who attained academic status under his supervision. Among them, there are highly ranked professionals working in the fields of radiophysics and optics, as well as young scientists and graduate students.

T Laboratory pursues science on the basis of integration of personnel and material resources with the research groups working at the Tomsk and Altai State Universities, the Omsk Pedagogical University, the Institute of Atmosphere Optics SB RAS and the Buryat Scientific Center SB RAS. Dr. Valery Mironov (since 1980 Doctor of Phys. and Math. Sciences; since 1991 Corresponding Member of the RAS) is at the head of the Laboratory.

The Laboratory carries out radiophysical research in the field of scientific basis creation for the development of informational technologies in the area of radar and radiometric remote sensing of the Earth surface and bosom, as well as their applications in geophysics, ecology and rational nature management. These activities concern development of methodologies and data bases in microwave molecular spectroscopy relative to moist minerals, soils and ice covers; creation of theoretical and empirical models of electromagnetic self-radiation and radar wave scattering by the environment; development and testing of data processing algorithms in remote sensing.

At the Laboratory, research projects funded by the Russian Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, the US Civilian Research and Development Foundation, the RAS and SB RAS have been completed and are being performed.

In 2005, 12 papers were published, with 7 of these having been printed in international editions, and 19 presentations at the scientific conferences were made.

The most significant outcomes of the Laboratory activity have been presented in the following publications:

  1. V.L. Mironov, M. C. Dobson, V. H. Kaupp, S. A. Komarov, and V. N. Kleshchenko, "Generalized refractive mixing dielectric model for moist soils," IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 773 – 785, 2004.
  2. А.V.Klokov, V.P.Yakubov. Pulse super wide-band radiography // Izvestiya vuzov. Fizika. 2005, № 6, pp. 121-122.
  3. V.L. Mironov, S.A. Komarov, S. Li, V.E. Romanovsky, T.V. Baikalova and V.V. Skoroglyadov, “Freeze-Thaw Processes Radar Remote Sensing: Modeling and Image Processing,” in Proc. IGARSS'05, Seoul, Korea, vol. I, pp. 608-611, 2005.


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Institute of Physics
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