Aleksandrov Êirill S.

- Family name: Aleksandrov
- Given name: Kirill
- Birth date: 09.01.1931
- Address: Kirensky Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia
- Phone: 7 (3912) 432635
- Fax: 7 (3912) 438923
- E-mail: kaleks@iph.krasn.ru
- Education (degrees, dates, universities):
- 1953 - Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University "LETI" (ETU)
- 1957 - PhD in Physics "Distribution of elastic waves in anisotropy environments".
- 1968 - Dr of Sci. in solid state physics "Elastic properties of anisotropy environments".
- 1972 - Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Science
- 1984 - Elected the full member of the Russian Academy of Science
- Career/Employment (employers, positions and dates):
- Councillor of Russian Academy of Science
- Director of Kirensky Institute of Physics 19812003
- Head of the Department of Solid State of Physics, Krasnoyarsk State University
- Research interests:
- Specialist in the field of physics dielectric's crystals.
- Over 380 publications, 8 monographs. The main investigations devoted to study of physical properties and characters of phase transitions in crystals.
- Selected publications:
- Aleksandrov K.S. and Beznosikov B.V. Possible new phases in layered perovskite-like crystals (crystal-chemical prognosis). Preprint 813F, Krasnoyarsk, 2002, 23 p.
- Aleksandrov K. S., Bartolome J., Gorev M. V., Flerov I. N. Hydrostatic pressure effect on phase transitions in perovskites with ammonium cation. Phys. Status. Sol., 2000, 217B, 785.
- Aleksandrov K.S., Beznosikov B.V. Architecture and properties of perovskite-like crystals. Ferroelectrics, 226, 1 (1999).
- I.N. Flerov, M.V. Gorev, K.S. Aleksandrov, A. Tressaud, J. Grannec, M. Couzi. Phase Transitions in Elpasolites (Ordered Perovskites). Materials Science and Engineering (Review), v. 228, N3, pp. 81-152, 1998.
- Aleksandrov K.S., Beznosikov B.V. Architecture of Perovskite-like Ferroelectrics and HT-Superconductors. J.Korean Phys. Soc., 1998, 32, S1790.
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