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Arkhipkin Vasily Grigorievich

Arkhipkin Vasily Grigorievich

    Russian version
  1. Last name: Arkhipkin
  2. First name: Vasily
  3. Middle name: Grigorievich
  4. Birth date: May 04, 1951
  5. Address: L.V.Kirensky Institute of Physics RAS, Akademgorodok, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
  6. Phone: 7 (3912) 494613
  7. Fax: 7 (3912) 438923
  8. E-mail: avg@iph.krasn.ru
  9. Education:
  • 1968 - school №5 in Shyra (Khakassia)
  • 1974 - radiophysical department of Tomsk State University
  • 1981 - Ph.D. thesis "Nonlinear resonant frequency upconversion of IR radiation in metal vapours".
  • 1989 - senior staff scientist.
  • 1993 - "Habbard-college"
  • 1998 - thesis for a Doctor's degree "Resonant nonlinear-optical processes of frequency mixing and quantum interference effects".
  1. Appointments:
  • Leader of coherent optics laboratory of Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS.
  • Professor of chair of general physics of Krasnoyarsk state university.
  • Professor of chair of high-performance processes of material treatment of Krasnoyarsk state technical university.
  1. Experience of scientific investigations:
  • 2002-1993 Atomic coherence and quantum interference effects;
  • 1993-1989 Light-induced drift of atoms and molecules;
  • 1989-1975 Resonant nonlinear optics;
  1. Lecture experience:
  • 2002-1995 "Conceptions of modern natural sciences", "Actual problems of modern physics", "Resonant nonlinear optics", "Basis of quantum optics"
  • 1995-1982 "Introduction to quantum electronics", "Optical electronics", "Photophysics of fractal clusters", "Electricity and Magnetism"
  1. Hobby: jogging, non-traditional methods of self-perfection.
  1. Scientific interests:
  • Expert in coherent and nonlinear optics problems and laser physics .
  1. Main publications: General number of scientific works - more than 100. Main direction - resonant nonlinear optics of gases, quantum interference phenomena.
  • V.G. Arkhipkin, V.P. Timofeev Natural scientific world picture. Krasnoyarsk, KrasSU, 2002, 319 p.)
  • V.G. Arkhipkin, A.K. Popov. Nonlinear conversion of light in gaseous. Novosibirsk, Nauka, 1987, 140 p.)
  • V.G. Arkhipkin, A.K. Popov. Nonlinear optics and conversion of light in gaseous. UFN 153, 3, 423—468, 1987.
  • V.G. Arkhipkin, I.V.Timofeev. Electromagnetically induced transperansy: writting, storing and restoring short pulses. JETPh Lett., 76, 1, 74—78, 2002
  • V.G. Arkhipkin, I.V.Timofeev Spatial evolution of short laser pulses under coherent population trapping. Phys. Rev. A, v.64, 053811, 2001
  • V.G. Arkhipkin Two- and threephoton- resonans frequency mixing and interference of quantum transitions. JETPh, 108, 7, 45—52, 1995
  • V.G. Arkhipkin, D.G.Korsukov, A.K.Popov White light-induced drift of three-level atoms. J.Phys.B: Atom.Mol.Opt.Phys.,v.23, 621-631, 1990
  • V.G. Arkhipkin, Yu.I. Heller, A.K. Popov, A.S. Provorov Frequency-mixing in gas-filled wave-guide for VUV light generation. Appl.Phys.B, v.37, 93-97, 1985
  • V.G. Arkhipkin, Yu.I.Heller Radiation amplification without population inversion at transitions to autoionizing states. Phys.Lett., v.98A, №1-2, 12-15, 1983


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