Институт Физики им.Л.В.Киренского

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Rudenko Valery V.

    1. Family name: Rudenko
    2. Given name: Valery
    3. Fathers name: Vasilievich
    4. Birth date: 22.04.1948
    5. Adress: Institute of Physics, Krasnoyarsk, 660036, Russia
    6. Phone: 7 (3912) 432635
    7. Fax: 7 (3912) 438923
    8. E-mail: rvv@iph.krasn.ru
    9. Curriculum vitae:
  • 1966-1971: Krasnoyarsk State University of physical department, student
  • 1971-1974: Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS, superior laboratory assistant
  • 1974-1978: Graduated from physical department of Simferopol State University
  • 1974-1975: Service in the Soviet Army, solder
  • 1978-1981: Senior staff scientist of Simferopol State University
  • 1983: Ph. D. in Physics "Magnetic anisotropy of rombohedral antiferromagnetic crystal with week ferromagnetism"
  • 1983- current time: Senior staff scientist at Kirensky Institute of Physics SB RAS
  1. Research Interests:
  • Magnetic anisotropy
  • Crystal growth
  • Search of new compounds and development of technologies of crystals growth by flux method.
  • A nature of anisotropic interactions in dielectric magnetic crystals with S ions.
  • The technology of crystals growth by flux method was developed for:
    • Fe1 - xMxBO3 (M = Ga, In, Lu, Sc, V; x = 0 - 1)
    • FeBO3
    • FeBO3 + Eu
    • FeBO3 + Co
    • FeBO3 + Zn
    • CrBO3
    • a-Fe2O3
    • a-Fe2O3 + Co

    We are glad to cooperate with colleagues on the above-stated themes.

  1. Selected publications:
    1. Markov  V.V., Rudenko V. V., Edelman  I.S., Ivanova N. B., Kazak N.V., Balaev A.D., Ovchinnikov S.G. Concentration phase transitions in single-crystal solid solutions VxFe1-xBO3. Physics of Metals and Metallography, 93, 1, 114—118 (2002).
    2. А.В. Воротынов, С.Г. Овчинников, В.В. Руденко, А.Н. Судаков "Магнитная анизотропия антиферромагнетика (CH3)4NMnCl3", Физика твердого тела, 42, № 7, с. 1275 (2000).
    3. V.V. Rudenko "Flux Growth of MBO3 (M = In, Lu, Sc) Crystals", Inorganic Materials, 34, N 12, p. 1253 (1998).
    4. А.А. Зенков, В.В. Руденко, Ю.М. Федеров "Слабый ферромагнетизм вдоль оси третьего порядка кристаллов FeBO3, ФТТ, 38, № 2, с.659 (1996).
    5. V.V. Rudenko "High-Temperature Solution Growth of GaBO3 Crystals", Kristallografiya, 40, N 2, p. 382 (1995).
    6. В.В. Руденко "Релаксационная магнитная анизотропия в базисной плоскости кристаллов FeBO3", Физика твердого тела, 36, № 9, с. 2531 (1994).
    7. O. A. Bayukov, V.V. Rudenko "Single-ion anisotropy induced by bulk covalence effects in rhombohedral antiferromagnets containing S ions", Sov. Phys. Solid State 34 98, p.1428 (1992).
    8. В.В. Руденко "Гексагональная анизотропия ромбоэдрических антиферромагнитных кристаллов со слабым ферромагнетизмом", Физика твердого тела, 22, № 3, с. 775 (1980).
    9. S.N. Lukin, V.V. Rudenko, V.N. Seleznev, G.A. Tsintsadze, "EPR of Fe3+ Ions in the Homologous Series of Calcite-Structure Borates", Fiz. Tverd. Tela (Leningrad), 22, No 1, p. 51 (1980).
    10. A. Chlystov, S .Lukin, V. Rudenko, V. Seleznev and G. Tsintsadze "Zero-field splitting of the ground state S ion in calcite type borates", The Proceedings of the XX Congress AMPERE. In: Magnetic resonance and Related Phenomena, p. 295 (1979).
    11. В.Д. Дорошев, И.М. Крыгин, С.Н. Лукин, А.Н. Молчанов, А.Д. Прохоров, В.В. Руденко, В.Н. Селезнев "Базисная магнитная анизотропия слабого ферромагнетика FeBO3", Письма в ЖЭТФ, 29, № 5, с. 286 (1979).


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Institute of Physics
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