Shabanov Vasily Ph.
- Surname: Shabanov
- First name: Vasily
- Patronymic name: Philippovich
- Date of birdth: 17.05.1940
- Address: Kirensky Institute of Physics, 660036, Academgorodok, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
- Phone: 7 (391) 243 26 35
- Fax:7 (391) 243 89 23
- E-mail: dir@iph.krasn.ru
- Education (degrees, dates):
- 1963 - graduated from the Omsk Pedagogical Institute, physical-and-mathematical department.
- 1970 - Ph.D. in Physics, "Temperature investigation of low-frequency Raman scattering spectra of molecular complexes and organic crystals with hydrogen bonds".
- 1983 - Dr. of Sciences, "Raman scattering of light in anisotropic heterodesmic crystals".
- 1985 - Professor
- 1991 - Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- 2003 - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
- Positions:
- Chairman of the Presidium of Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of SB RAS
- Research interests:
- Physicochemical properties of optical materials.
- Optics and spectroscopy of photon-crystal structures, molecular crystals, liquid crystals and composite materials on the base of liquid crystals.
- Selected publications:
- V.Ph.Shabanov, E.M.Averyanov, P.V.Adomenas, V.P.Spiridonov. Raman spectroscopy investigation of orientation order of uniaxial liquid crystals. JETP, v.75, №5, p.1926-1934,1978.
- K.S.Aleksandrov, A.N.Vtyurin, V.Ph.Shabanov. On second harmonic generation in incommensurate phases of crystals. JETP Letters, v.28, №3, p.143,1978.
- V.Ph.Shabanov, V.G.Podoprigora. The line intensity determination in Raman spectra of 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene lattice vibration. Optics and spectroscopy, v.41, №6, p.1069-1076,1976.
- G.N.Zhyzhin, B.N.Mavrin, V.Ph.Shabanov. Optical vibration spectra of crystals. "Nauka", 1985, 240p.
- A.N.Botvich, V.G.Podoprigora, V.Ph.Shabanov. Raman scattering of light in molecular crystals. Novosibirsk, "Nauka", 1989, 221p.
- S.Ya.Vetrov, A.N.Vtyurin, V.Ph.Shabanov. Vibrational spectroscopy of incommensurate crystals. Novosibirsk, "Nauka", 1991, 124p.
- V.Ph.Pavlov, A.M.Pogodaev, A.V.Proshkin, V.Ph.Shabanov. Fabrication of thermoinsulating foam-silicate materials. Novosibirsk, publishing house of SB RAS, 1999, 60p.
- The security of Russia. The legal, socio-economic, scientific and technical aspects. The regional problems of security. The Krasnoyarsk territory. Edited by V.Ph.Shabanov. "Znanie", 2001, 576p.
- V.Ph.Shabanov, V.Ph.Pavlov. The technology of new materials with given properties during the complex industrial waste processing. Theoretical basis of chemical technology, v.37, № 4, p.418-426, 2003.
The main directions of the scientific research of V.Ph.Shabanov are investigations of optical and spectral characteristics of anisotropic media and creation of optoelectronic elements and devices on basis of these media. He is one of the leading Russian specialists in the field of optics and spectroscopy of liquid crystals and composite systems based on liquid crystals.
His works have promoted the creation of physical basis for the control of optical properties of photon-crystal structures, which have been intensively studied in recent years.
V.Ph.Shabanov is the author and co-author of more than 250 scientific papers, 5 monographs, 12 patents.
V.Ph.Shabanov is the member of the Scientific Council of RAS on the problem "Spectroscopy of atoms and molecules", the member of bureau of the Committee of directors of RAS, Chairman of the Council on scientific centers of SB RAS, the member of the Presidium of SB RAS.
V.Ph.Shabanov takes an active part in training scientific specialists. About thirty years he has been teaching at the Krasnoyarsk State University, where he is currently a professor of the Department of quantum electronics. V.Ph.Shabanov is a member of two dissertation councils and of the Krasnoyarsk State University scientific council. Among his learners there are 7 doctors of science and 21 candidates of science.
V.Ph.Shabanov is the Honoured veteran of SB RAS, the founder of schools of thought on the spectroscopy of anisotropic media in Russia. He has government awards, diplomas of the Academy of Science of the USSR and Siberian Brunch of Russian Academy of Sciences.
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