Velikanov Dmitrii Anatolievich

- Last name: Velikanov
- First name: Dmitrii
- Middle name: Anatolievich
- Birth date: February 10, 1961
- Address: L.V. Kirensky Institute of Physics RAS, Akademgorodok, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia
- Phone: 007 (3912) 907108
- Fax: 007 (3912) 438923
- E-mail: pona@krovatka.su
- Education:
- Qualification:
- Candidate of phys. & math. Sciences
- Associate specializing in physics of magnetic phenomena
- Appointments:
- Scientific interests:
- Experimental physics
- Development & design of physical experiment technique
- SQUID magnetometry
- Physics of magnetic phenomena
- Selected publications:
- G.S. Patrin, D.A. Velikanov, and G.A. Petrakovskii. Study of photoinduced magnetism in FeBO3 crystals on a SQUID magnetometer. JETP, 76, 1, 128-137 (1993).
- G.S. Patrin, D.A. Velikanov, and G.A. Petrakovskii. Study of the temperature-dependent behavior of the photomagnetic effect in FeBO3 crystals using a SQUID magnetometer. Physics of the Solid State, 37, 4, 659-661 (1995).
- G.S. Patrin and D.A. Velikanov. SQUID studies of photoinduced magnetization in a g-Fe2O3:Zn single crystal. JETP Letters, 62, 2, 149-152 (1995).
- Petrakovskii G., Velikanov D., Vorotinov A., Balaev A., Sablina K., Amato A., Roessli B., Schefer J., Staub U. Weak ferromagnetism in CuB2O4 copper metaborate. JMMM, 205, 1, 105-109 (1999).
- G.A. Petrakovskii, L.I. Ryabinkina, N.I. Kiselev, D.A. Velikanov, and A.F. Bovina. Colossal magnetoresistance of FexMn1.xS magnetic semiconductors. JETP Letters, 69, 12, 949-953 (1999).
- M.L. Afanas'ev, A.D. Balaev, A.D. Vasil'ev, D.A. Velikanov, S.G. Ovchinnikov, G.A. Petrakovskii, and V.V. Rudenko. New Magnetically Ordered CoBO3 Crystal. JETP Letters, 74, 2, 82-83 (2001).
- G.S. Patrin, V.O. Vas'kovski, D.A. Velikanov, and A.V. Svalov. Influence of Magnetic Field on the Interlayer Interaction in (Co/Si/Gd/Si)n Films. JETP Letters, 75, 3, 159-161 (2002).
- G.A. Petrakovskii, A.I. Pankrats, M.A. Popov, A.D. Balaev, D.A. Velikanov, A.M. Vorotynov, K.A. Sablina, B. Roessli, J. Schefer, A. Amato, U. Staub, M. Boehm and B. Ouladdiaf. Magnetic properties of copper metaborate CuB2O4. Low Temperature Physics, 28, 8/9, 606-612 (2002).
- N.V. Volkov, G.S. Patrin, and D.A. Velikanov. A Multifunctional Microwave Gunn Oscillator for Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Applications. Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 45, 2, 228-230 (2002).
- G.S. Patrin, V.O. Vas'kovskii, D.A. Velikanov, A.V. Svalov, and M.A. Panova. Spin-glass-like behavior of low field magnetisation in multilayer (Gd/Si/Co/Si)n films. Physics Letters A, 309, 1/2, 155159 (2003).
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