
The priority directions of the Institute
The priority directions of the Institute activity are:
- Physics of Condensed Matter
- Optics; Radiophysics; Electronics (including quantum electronics)
Now the research works undertaken in the frameworks of the priority directions are being carried out on the six following projects.
- Project 9.2.1. Experimental and theoretical study of phase transitions in dielectric, ferroelectric and ferroelastic single crystals, ceramics and glasses (project chairman is Academician Kirill S.Aleksandrov).
- Project 9.2.2. Physics of nonmetal magnetics (Doctor of Phys. and Math. Sciences Professor German A. Petrakovskii).
- Project 9.2.3. Theoretical investigations of dynamic and kinetic properties of magnetic materials, strongly correlated and inhomogeneous media, meso- and nanostructures (Doctor of Phys. and Math. Sciences Professor Valery V. Val’kov).
- Project 9.2.4. Nanocrystal low-dimensional magnetics (Doctor of Phys. and Math. Sciences Professor Sergey G. Ovchinnikov).
- Project 10.4.4. Optical and dielectric properties of nano- and photonic crystal media (Academician V.Ph. Shabanov).
- Project 10.4.6. Radiophysics of remote sensing of the Earth (Corresponding Member of RAS Valery L. Mironov).
Besides, the Institute researchers perform scientific works on 4 projects of the President Program “The Competitive Foundation of Individual Support of Leading Scientists and Scientific Schools”, 2 projects in the framework of the Federal Purpose Scientific & Technical Program “Research and Development on Priority Directions of Science and Engineering in 2002-2006”, 8 projects on programs of the Presidium RAS, 5 projects on programs of the Division of Physical Sciences of RAS, 7 projects on the SB RAS programs. In 2005 25 projects of the Russian Fundamental Research Foundation and 24 projects of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Science Foundation have been performed.
The basic scientific activity of the Institute of Physics concerns physics of condensed matter, physics of magnetic phenomena, physics of nano- and photonic crystal media, search for new materials of electronics and creation of devices on their basis; development of methods and algorithms of the Earth radar and radiometric remote sensing data processing. Among the recently obtained significant outcomes there are the following:
- Synthesis of new crystals of dielectrics, ferroelectrics and ferroelastics; complex experimental study of their structure and properties, of mechanisms of phase transitions; development of methods for their description and prediction of structure and properties.
- Study of propagation of electromagnetic waves in composite photonic crystals, including those with liquid crystal components; development of light fields parameters control methods on their basis; creation of qualitatively new functional materials and devices for optoelectronics and information technologies based on liquid crystals capsulated in polymeric matrices.
- Creation of the unique technology of crystals group growth from solutions-melts that gives the opportunity to obtain and study new large qualitative crystals; synthesis and complex investigations of a magnetic state and spin dynamics of new oxide copper compounds; development of the theory of an incommensurate state and spin dynamics in these systems.
- Experimental and theoretical studies of dynamic and kinetic properties of strongly correlated systems, inhomogeneous media, meso- and nanostructures; discovery of a number of principally new physical effects in the systems with strong electron correlations, such as high temperature superconductors, manganites crystals with colossal magnetoresistance, fullerenes and systems on their basis; development of the theory of quantum transport via integrable billiards.
- Creation of the wide spectrum of integrated microstrip devices on dielectric substrates for microwave engineering, automatized systems for design and fabrication of microwave components; development of fundamental principles of description of nanometer electronic systems; investigation of the inhomogeneities effect on the spectrum and attenuation of electromagnetic waves in superlattices.
- Development of principally new technologies of minerals enrichment by iron, nonferrous and noble metals using magnetic separation; the creation of new types of laboratory separators allowing studying of physics of separation processes in high gradient magnetic fields and preparing documentation for production of the industrial models of magnetic separators.
Great services of two of the Institute researchers, Kirill S. Aleksandrov and Vasily Ph. Shabanov, were marked with the government awards – the Orders of Honor. German A. Petrakovskii and Valter A. Ignatchenko were given the rank of the Honored Scientists of the Russian Federation. Boris A. Belyaev was conferred on the rank of the Honored Inventor of Russia.