Институт Физики им.Л.В.Киренского
Победитель конкурса сайтов СО РАН - 2010

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Dear friends and everyone who worked with L.V. Kirensky and others who just read or hear about him!

Congratulations to all who are celebrating the life of this outstanding scientist and remarkable man!
I was lucky to attend the Kirensky’s lectures on Physics at Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical Institute when he was the head of the Physics department there.

He would come to the auditorium with a big brief- case, put it on the table and never opened it, never look at the notes…He knew everything he was teaching by heart…
He taught any topic so easily and clearly and answers any questions in such a way that there was no doubt that everybody understood everything.

Later when I heard many more lectures at the Institute of Physics (Krasnoyarsk), at the University of Toronto (Canada), and after taking many different courses I often compared L.V. teaching style with others.
Professor Kirensky was an excellent Master of teaching for different levels of audiences!

Knowing L.V. Kirensky as a great Teacher, outstanding Scientist, Social organizer and Administrator gives me a great pleasure to celebrate his life and remember how under his leadership Institute of Physics in Krasnoyarsk was filled up with many talented young (then) Scientists from many parts of the former Soviet Union.

These and “home made” Krasnoyarsk’s Scientists made Institute very well known in the Academy of Sciences.

L.V. Kirensky organized the construction of Academ Gorodok in Krasnoyarsk and lived in the first building.

He participated in many social activities at the Institute and attended gatherings when he could.

I am happy to send my warm congratulations on 100- ear anniversary of birthday of L.V. Kirensky. I celebrate his life and his unforgettable influence on my life and lives of many, many other people.

Sincerely yours,
Luba Salansky.

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им. Л. В. Киренского СО РАН 1998—2012 Для вопросов и предложений

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