Институт Физики им.Л.В.Киренского
Победитель конкурса сайтов СО РАН - 2010

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Электронные публикации 2006 году
1А.С. Фёдоров, П.Б. Сорокин, П.В. Аврамов, С.Г. ОвчинниковМоделирование свойств, электронной структуры ряда углеродных и неуглеродных нанокластеров и их взаимодействия с легкими элементамиНовосибирск, Изд-во СО РАН, электрон. опт. диск, 2006
2Bulgakov E.N., Pichugin K.N., Sadreev A.F., Rotter IBound states in the continuum in open Aharonov-Bohm rings e-print: cond-mat/0610197
3Gokhfeld D.M. Computation of current-voltage characteristics of weak links arXiv: cond-mat/0605427, 11 p., 26 May. 2006.
4Gokhfeld D.M. Description of hysteretic current-voltage characteristics of SNS junctions arXiv: cond-mat/0609541, 9 p., 25 Sep. 2006.
5Karpov S.V., Gerasimov V.S., Isaev I.L., Markel V.A. Spectroscopic Studies of Fractal Aggregates of Silver Nanospheres Undergoing Local Restructuring Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology. 2006, 14, Issue 14, October 2.
6 Karpov Sergei V., Gerasimov Valeriy S., Isaev Ivan L., Markel Vadim A. Spectroscopic studies of fractal aggregates of silver nanospheres undergoing local restructuringSmithsonian/NASA ADS arXiv e-prints Abstract Service, paper physics /0601132/, 2006, (http://arxiv.org/, (http://ru.arxiv.org/).
7Kolovsky A.R. Bloch oscillations of strongly interacting Bose atoms e-print: cond-mat/0602100
8Kolovsky A.R. Persistent current of atoms in a ring optical lattice // e-print: cond-mat/0607274
9Potseluyko A., Edelman I., Malakhovskii A., Yeshurun Y., Zarubina T., Zamkov A., Zaitsev A. RE containing glasses as effective magneto-optical materials for 200-400 nm range A Microelectronic Engineering. Vol. 69, no. 2-4, pp. 216-220. Sept. 2003; Aerospace & High Technology Database, включена в базу данных в 2006, and Solid State & Superconductivity Abstracts Database from CSA (США), 2006.
10Коршунов M.A. Investigation by the method the Raman of spectroscopy of allocation of molecules in ternary mix-crystals E-print archives, physics, abstract physics. 0602130, 2006. 3p
11Коршунов M.A. The reasons of line broadening of lattice oscillations in spectrum small frequencies of p-chloronitrobenzene E-print archives, physics, abstract physics. 0602183, 2006. 3p.
12 Коршунов M.A. Modification of parameters of the lattice in nanodimension films of parapontE-print archives, physics, abstract physics. 0612133, 2006. 3p.
13 Коршунов M.A. Examination by the method of the raman effect allocations of molecules of builders in the single crystal of the solid solution of parapont with the p-dibromobenzene depending on re-quirements of cultivation E-print archives, physics, abstract physics. 0613185, 2006. 4p.

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им. Л. В. Киренского СО РАН 1998—2012 Для вопросов и предложений

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